Location: 8321 Twiss Road, Campbellville, Ontario
Date: May 20th, 2013 with a second date of
May 26th, 2013 (if needed... same time and location)
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
At the meeting of April 27th, 2013, the Executive, Board of Directors and Members of CAVALIER FANCIERS OF SOUTHERN ONTARIO, have enthusiastically voted in favour of showing their support of The Conformational Indicators Study, on a "BREED CLUB" level, by agreeing to host a Conformational Indicators Study Measurement Clinic.
The Conformational Indicators Study (CI Study) was initiated by Thomas Mitchell, a research student at the University of Bristol (UK) in collaboration with, and supervision by, Dr. Clare Rusbridge, Penny Knowler and Int. Show Judge Henny van den Berg. The CI Study is supported by breeders and pet owners with measurement clinics being performed in the UK and Netherlands and online worldwide. Now members of Cavalier Fanciers of Southern Ontario will join these ranks and will also be contributing information gathered at their own measurement clinic(s) performed in Southern Ontario, Canada. We have a trained Researcher (Jane Sykes) to gather the data necessary to contribute to the Conformational Indicators Study and she will be working directly with Thomas Mitchell and the CI team.
This clinic is open to any breed, not just Cavaliers but any breed previously MRI'd (for CM/SM) and accompanied by a written report and all dogs must be microchipped or tattooed. The dogs may be either symptomatic or asymptomatic for CM/SM symptoms and confidentiality is respected. The measurements are not intrusive, involving calipers for head measurements and, for those who have dogs that exhibit CM/SM pain symptoms, please be assured that your dog will be handled in the gentlest manner possible. Affected dogs may be any age but since SM can be a late-onset condition, unaffected dogs should have been screened after three years of age if possible.
In order to prevent bias while taking measurements, Jane and Thomas require to be 'blinded' to the MRI status of any dog. Participants are therefore asked to register their dog/s by sending their MRI reports and microchip numbers separately to: cmsmindicators@gmail.com to be given a unique ID# for the dog/s for use by the researchers.
If you know of someone you think would like to participate, please contact Thomas Mitchell, at: cmsmresearch@gmail.com and he will answer any questions. Appointments should be made with Jane Sykes having been registered for the study.
if you want to join in the discussion for this study join the FaceBook group
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